Brainminder Puppets
Gerald Giraffe – Helmet Safety
Martin Monkey – Playground Safety
Penny Panda – Seatbelt Safety
Fiona Fox – Crossing the Street Safety
Brave Bob Beagle – Gun Safety
Toolip Pig – Safety in the Kitchen
Hero Horse – Helmet Safety
Captain Kitty – Boating Safety
Danny Deep – Swimming Safety
Lily Skunk, Charlie Chicken, and Billy Bulldog make a guest appearance to discuss bullying.
BrainMindersTM is Pilot International’s signature program originally designed in 2001 to teach safety to children to help prevent brain injuries. It was made possible through an in-kind grant given to Pilot International Foundation and a gift from the estate of Callye Harrell Neese. Realizing the need to teach brain injury prevention to people of all ages, Pilots have expanded the program to include presentations for youth and seniors. Most Pilot Clubs as well as many Anchor Clubs present BrainMinderTM Programs to persons of all ages. The BrainMinder Buddies™ puppet show teaches “Play Safe, Play Smart” via story and a original song written by Canyon
Lake Pilot Judy Golden and led by
“Wise Old Owl and his Fuzzy, Funny,
Smart, and Sunny BrainMinder Buddies”:
After the show, the students are asked to make a pledge to “Play Safe, Play Smart”. They are certified as BrainMinder Buddies™ and are given a 16-page activity book. This book includes puzzles, coloring pages, and other activities with tips for playing smart.